The Bunker Hill Mine is one of the most storied base metal and silver mines in American history. Initial discovery and development of the property began in 1885, and from that time until the mine closed in 1991 total production from the mine totaled 42.77 million tons at an average grade of 8.43% lead, 3.52 ounces silver per ton and 4.52% zinc. Through its history the area encompassing the Bunker Hill mine accounts for nearly 42% of the total lead, 41% of the total zinc and 15% of the total silver production in the Coeur d’Alene Mining District. Over this long, 95+ year history, more than 40 separate mineralized zones were exploited, producing 35 millions tons of ore concentrate, including a total of 165 Moz of silver. The Bunker Hill historical mine is located in the world class silver Coeur d’Alene Mining District.
The Past
Closed in 1981 due to the coincident effect of low base metal prices and the need to invest significant capital in the upgrade of its processing and smelting operations to meet new environmental regulations, it has remained on care and maintenance ever since. Following its closure, and as part of a regional environmental clean-up operation run by the US Government, its lead smelter and zinc processing plant have been fully dismantled, and its water discharge treated by a government-run Water Treatment Facility.
The Future
Following the arrival of a new leadership team in 2020, the company has been focused on the sustainable development and exploration of Bunker Hill’s robust and untapped zinc, silver and lead potential.
Our team recognized the rare opportunity to leverage the historical geological and production data through modern exploration software to create new 3D models and interpretation for the location of extensions of the known mineralized bodies. Given the historical data analyzed, we believe that the historical Bunker Hill mine has the potential to be re-started as a high-grade zinc-silver-lead mine. The PEA, and subsequent PFS, confirms that by maximizing the use of existing resources, partnerships and infrastructure, the Bunker Hill Mine is anticipated to rapidly re-start in late 2024 as a low-cost, long-life and sustainable operation.